
  • Etika umjetne inteligencije [Ethics of Artificial Intelligence], Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju 2022.
  • Normativna etika [Normative Ethics], Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 2018.
  • Evolucijska teorija i priroda morala [Evolutionary Theory and the Nature of Morality], Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji,  2007.
articles and book chapters
edited books
  • Gadamer i filozofijska hermeneutika [Gadamer and the Philosophical Hermeneutics], Zagreb: Matica hrvatska,  2001. (with Damir Barbarić).
  • Bibliografija radova o hrvatskoj filozofiji [Bibliography of Works on Croatian Philosophy], Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji, 1999. (with Alica Bačeković).
Book Reviews
  • “Michael Ruse, Darwinism and Its Discontents“, Philosophy in Review / Comptes rendus philosophiques 28(3) (2008), 221-223.
  • “Building blocks in search of a theory” [review of Frans de Waal, Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved], Biological Theory 2(4) (2007), 422-424.
  • “Louis P. Pojman, Who Are We? Theories of Human Nature“, Prolegomena 5(2) (2006), 280-285.
  • “Josip Hrgović and Darko Polšek (eds.), Evolucija društvenosti“, Prolegomena 3(2) (2004), 230-234.
  • “Igor Kardum, Evolucija i ljudsko ponašanje“, Prolegomena 2(2) (2003), 246-250.
  • “Andrew Pyle (ed.), Key Philosophers in Conversation: The Cogito Interviews“, Filozofska istraživanja 21(4) (2001), 811-816.
  • “Darko Polšek (ed.), Sociobiologija“, Filozofska istraživanja 19(3) (1999), 644-649.
  • “Günter Figal, Smisao razumijevanja“, Filozofska istraživanja 68 (1998), 260-263.
  • “Walter Schulz, Bog novovjekovne metafizike“, Filozofska istraživanja 17(4) (1997), 1139-1143.
Book Translations
  • Anthony O’Hear, Uvod u filozofiju znanosti [An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science], Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji, 2007. (with Matej Sušnik)
  • Karl Jaspers, Strindberg i Van Gogh: pokušaj usporedne patografske analize [Strindberg und Van Gogh: Versuch einer vergleichenden pathographischen Analyse], Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 2004. (with Željko Pavić)
  • Peter Singer, Praktična etika [Practical Ethics], Zagreb: KruZak, 2003.
  • Edo Pivčević, Što je istina? [What is Truth?], Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji, 2002.
  • Hans-Georg Gadamer, Početak filozofije [Der Anfang der Philosophie], Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji, 2000. (with Željko Pavić)
  • Alice Sturgis, Parlamentarna procedura [The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure], Zagreb: Naklada Jurčić, 2000.
  • Brian Davies, Uvod u filozofiju religije [An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion], Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji, 1998. (with Damir Buterin)
  • “Bentham i pandemija”, Osvrti, Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 2020. 
  • Nine entries written for Filozofski leksikon [Philosophical Lexicon], ed. Stipe Kutleša, Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb 2012: altruizam [altruism] (pp. 24-25), etika [ethics] (pp. 300-305), fenotip [phenotype] (p. 325), filogeneza [phylogenesis] (p. 334), genotip [genotype] (p. 416), pobačaj [abortion] (p. 903), prirodna vrsta [natural kind] (p. 940), sociobiologija [sociobiology] (p. 1071), život [life] (pp. 1297-1299)
  • Translation of around twenty philosophical articles from English and German into Croatian for various journals and collections of essays.
  • Around fifteen book reviews and articles on philosophical topics published in Croatian newspapers and cultural magazines.
  • A number of TV and radio appearances on philosophical topics such as evolutionism, happiness, violence, robotics, AI, responsibility of scientists etc.