
  • “Umjetna inteligencija i primijenjena etika” [Artificial intelligence and applied ethics], Prvi hrvatski simpozij o umjetnoj inteligenciji, HAZU, Zagreb 2023.
  • “Lelasov evolucionizam”, Znanost, tehnologija i čovjek – povodom dvadesete obljetnice smrti profesora Srđana Lelasa, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2023.
  • “Artificial intelligence and deception”, Summer School 2023: Deception: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2023.
  • “Transhumanizam i pitanje moralnog statusa” [Transhumanism and the question of moral status], Temeljna pitanja filozofije politike. Professional Meeting of High School Teachers of Philosophy, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, Zagreb 2022.
  • “Supekov utilitarizam” [Supek’s utilitarianism], Hrvatska filozofija: nove teme i interpretacije, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2021.
  • “Umjetna inteligencija, medicina i autonomija” [Artificial intelligence, medicine and autonomy], Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2020.
  • “Against ethics settings of autonomous vehicles”, Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2019, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2019.
  • “Ethics and new technologies”, Summer School 2019: Philosophy and Technology, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2019.
  • “Etički izazovi umjetne inteligencije i robotike” [Ethical challenges of artificial intelligence and robotics], Povijest i filozofija tehnike, Croatian National Committee of International Council on Large Electric Systems – CIGRÉ, Zagreb 2019.
  • “Predictive analytics and theories of privacy”, Bled Philosophical Conferences. Ethical Issues: Theoretical & Applied, Department of Philosophy – University of Maribor / Slovenian Society for Analyti?c Philosophy, Bled 2018.
  • “Imamo li pravo da nas ostave na miru?” [Do we have the right to be let alone?], Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb 2018.
  • “Internet of Things, Big Data and privacy”, Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – University of Rijeka / Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy, Rijeka 2018.
  • “Artificijelni moralni agenti” [Artificial moral agents], Klasični i suvremeni filozofski problemi, Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Philosophy, Samobor 2017.
  • “Cybernetic organisms, moral status and speciesism”, Robots and Societies: What Transformations? What Regulations?, Laval University, Quebec 2017.
  • “Roboti i etika” [Robots and ethics], Izazovi suvremene nastave, Professional Meeting of High School Teachers of Ethics and Philosophy, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, Zagreb 2017.
  • “Etika plagiranja” [The ethics of plagiarizing], Professional Meeting of High School Teachers of Ethics and Philosophy, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, Primošten 2017.
  • “Sex reassignment surgery: Why should we keep the gatekeepers?”, Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2015, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies, Zagreb 2015.
  • “Sex reassignment surgery and human enhancement”, II International Workshop in Practical Ethics: Bioethics and Human Enhancement, University of Granada – Department of Philosophy I, Granada 2014.
  • “Bioetika, pluralizam vrijednosti i kritičko mišljenje”, Zagreb County Professional Council of Ethics Teachers, Zagreb 2014.
  • “Kirurška promjena spola: liječenje ili poboljšanje?” [Surgical sex-change: treatment or enhancement?], Professional Meeting of High School Teachers of Ethics and Philosophy, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, Zagreb 2014.
  • “Bioethics and the two cultures”, Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2013, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies, Zagreb 2013.
  • “Respect for cultural diversity or bioethics?”, Theoretical Philosophy Forum, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest 2012.
  • “The moral self and its brain: The case of deontology, Identity in the Context of Practical and Theoretical Philosophy, University of Graz – Department of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies / Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / Center for Advanced Academic Studies Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik 2012.
  • “Darwinian considerations and applied ethics”, Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies, Zagreb 2011.
  • “Morality as a biological trait”, Metaphysics, Language and Morality, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies, Zagreb 2010.
  • “Slabosti izgradnje autoriteta društvenih znanosti u medijima” [Difficulties of building the authority of the social sciences in the media], Mediji i znanost: okrugli stol u povodu 100. obljetnice Hrvatskog novinarskog društva, Croatian Journalists’ Association, Zagreb 2010.
  • “Explaining morality: Darwinian strategies”, Social Aspects of the Sciences XIII, Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik 2009.
  • “Sexual selection, moral virtues, and methodological vices”, EPSA 2009: Second Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Amsterdam 2009.
  • “David Hume i John Arbuthnot”, David Hume u suvremenom i povijesnom kontekstu, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies, Zagreb 2009.
  • “Respect for cultural diversity in bioethics: Redundant or ineffective?”, The 9th World Congress of Bioethics: The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Bioethics in the 21st Century, International Association of Bioethics / University of Rijeka – School of Medicine / Croatian Society for Clinical Bioethics, Rijeka 2008.
  • “Altruism and morality: Is disentangling really necessary?, 2007 Conference of the International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Exeter 2007.
  • “Filozofski časopisi u Hrvatskoj u 20. stoljeću” [Philosophical journals in Croatia in the 20th century], Hrvatska filozofija u dvadesetom stoljeću, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 2006.
  • “Utilitarizam, nepristranost i darvinizam” [Utilitarianism, impartiality and Darwinism], Sloboda i jednakost u suvremenoj filozofiji, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy / University of Zagreb – Croatian Studies, Samobor 2005.
  • “Normative turn of evolutionary ethics: The invisible evolutionary ethics?”, 2003 Conference of the International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Vienna 2003.
  • “What to do until the doctor of philosophy arrives: Evolutionary assesment of utilitarian ethics”, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg 2002.
  • “Etika znanstvenih zajednica i teorija igara” [The ethics of scientific communities and game theory], Novi pravci u suvremenoj sociologiji, Sociology Section at Matrix Croatica Society, Zagreb 2001.
  • “Hypothetical realism and the adaptationist program”, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg 2000.
  • “Adaptacionistički program i hipotetički realizam” [Adaptationist program and hypothetical realism], Philosophy Section at Matrix Croatica Society, Zagreb 2000.
  • “Sprache als Gespräch. Gadamers Ansicht vom Wesen des Platonischen Dialogs”, Hermeneutik und Dekonstruktivismus, Internationales Zentrum – Tübingen, Prague 1997.
  • “Ontološko-epistemološki aspekti Petrićevog i Plotinovog poimanja duše” [Ontological and epistemological aspects of Petrić’s and Plotinus’ conception of the soul], Dani Frane Petriša, Croatian Philosophical Society, Cres 1997.
  • “Metafizika i estetika Platonovih dijaloga” [Metaphysics and aesthetics of Plato’s dialogues], Dani Frane Petriša, Croatian Philosophical Society, Cres 1996.